Uma das melhores pésas pópis que eu já ouvi é
Well, she was just 17,/
You know what I mean,/
And the way she looked was way beyond compare./
So how could I dance with another/
When I saw her standin' there?//
Well she looked at me, and I, I could see/
That before too long I'd fall in love with her./
She wouldn't dance with another/
When I saw her standin' there.//
Well, my heart went "boom,"/
When I crossed that room,/
And I held her hand in mine...//
Whoah, we danced through the night,/
And we held each other tight,/
And before too long I fell in love with her./
Now I'll never dance with another/
Since I saw her standing there.
The Beatles - I saw Her Standing There (with lyrics) (seutubo)
qom o qostumeiro xô do Ringo lá na qozinha. Eu axo que a maioria das múziqas que aparesem qomo sendo de Lennon/ McCartney por qontrato, eram qompostas por êle. Só 17? Êse qara queria pegar menina di menor? Ésa aprezentasão aí parese xô de estúdio, a platéia quiéta e meiu desligada só batendo palma fraqamente eu axo que só depois a produsão pasou a ensaiar a platéia também. Ésa qlaque dêse qlípi tava muinto devagar.