segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2014


Vamos comemorar e homenagear, mas sem esquecer que no mundo todo tem u’a massa de milhões de mulheres que não sabem nem que tem um “Dia Internacional das Mulheres”, essas, não tem nem um dia delas.


Armadilha para pedófilos.

O mais cruel disso tudo é que os responsáveis por essas ONGs que dizem combater a pedofilia, estão sediadas justamente em países da Europa que foram e são os grandes responsáveis por toda esse drama nos países pobres do hemisfério sul e da Ásia.


“terre des hommes - Hilfe für Kinder in Not”


É…, devemos nos calar sobre o racismo, fechar os olhos, fingir que não vê, olhar para o outro lado.

Se alguém viu uma criança branca, lora de olhos azuis nesse vídeo me avise porque eu devo ter perdido.

“Terre des Hommes: stops child exploitation”


Essa é para o PTlho que gosta tanto de ONG estrangeira.


Active in Brazil since 1982, Terre des hommes (Tdh) did run projects dealing with health, nutrition and today child protection. In 2012 more than 8,158 people benefited from these activities.


Brazil is the largest Latin American economy; however, wealth is distributed unevenly between the geographic zones of the country, the arid zone of the North East being notorious for its high poverty rates. Human trafficking, forced labor, forced prostitution and the narcotics trade are the main areas of concern. Many children have lost their parents and live on the streets, or are forced to work or beg due to the poor economic background of their families. These children are particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation, often within the framework of sex tourism, and to forced labor. It is therefore of paramount importance to protect them, to provide social and professional education and reintegration measures and to combat exploitation. Another priority is to raise awareness for alternative measures to detention for juvenile offenders, applying restorative justice.

Follow the Terre des hommes delegation in Brazil on their website

“Children's situation

60 million children, 38% of whom live in poverty

29,506 children receive socio-educational assistance in open and secure facilities

4.5% increase (2011/2012) of children in prison”

Delegate: Anselmo de Lima

Expatriate staff: 0

National staff: 31

Budget: 777'538 CHF

In collaboration with: Institutions of the judicial system

In this country we deal with the following themes

Juvenile justice Lack of family support”