quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2015


Meredith Kercher, a feia carente e Amanda Knox, que a matou e se deu bem.

“Is Amanda Knox a Psychopath? What the Hare Psychopathy Checklist Reveals

January 26, 2015

In an email to Judge Nencini, Amanda Knox declared, “I am not a psychopath.” But can we believe her? After all, psychopathsare pathological liars and Knox has been caught up in more than a few mistruths. One way to analyze whether or not Foxy Knoxy is a psychopath has been outlined in Dr. Kent A Kiehl’s book,The Psychopath Whisperer. Holding up the Hare Psychopathy 20 point checklist to Knox’s life, one may form a clearer understanding of whether or not Ms. Knox is a psychopath.”


“The Trinity

The doctrine that God has three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) arose through a series of deductions based on the teachings of St Paul and his followers. For example, if we accept the premise that Christ was divine, along with the premise that there is only one God, we are driven to the conclusion that Christ and God are in some way the same. A similar argument concerning the Holy Ghost, applied at a later date, led to the conclusion that the Holy Ghost and God were also the same. There are a number of ways in which these conclusions could be accommodated.

The obvious conclusion is that God, Christ and the Holy Ghost are identical. In other words Father, Son and Holy Ghost are alternative names for the same being. This conclusion was rejected, apparently because the Bible shows the Father, Son and Holy Ghost to have different physical manifestations, to fulfil separate functions, and to have different levels of understanding. A second possible explanation is that God reveals himself in one of three different ways at different times. Some Christians adopted this explanation, but others rejected it. Those who accepted it (Sabellians, Patripassions, or Modal Monarchianists) were persecuted out of existence in the fifth century, although the Eastern Churches would accuse the Western Church of Sabellian heresies for centuries to come. A related idea was that the three persons of the Trinity represented three different aspects of God. For example Pierre Abélard identified the Father, Son and Holy Ghost as Power, Wisdom and Goodness respectively. A third solution is to reject one of the premises. Either there was more than one God, or Christ was only a man after all and whatever the Holy Ghost was, it was not divine. Some people adopted these explanations. Tritheists, who believed in three separate Gods, were eliminated by the sixth century. Arians, who believed that Christ was not as exalted as the Father, were enormously influential in the fourth century and almost became the principal (i.e. orthodox) line, but were eventually defeated. Macedonians denied the godhead of the Holy Ghost and were also eliminated.

The compromise eventually adopted was that God has one substance but three persons. Whether or not this statement actually means anything is open to doubt. Certainly it is difficult to see what the word person means in this usage. And the position was no better in the original formulation of the doctrine in Greek. Fierce arguments raged for centuries over the minute differences between alternative Greek words used in early formulations of the doctrine.”

Tem uns e outros deuses por aí que são 3 em 1, mas nós, também, não somos deuses, mas somos 3 em 1: há muito a psicologia já demonstrou que somos 3 em um só indivíduo.

1- o que somos realmente;

2- o que nos gostamos de pensar que somos, como nos vemos e

3- Como os outros nos veem.

Desses, o que "baixa" no Facebooquê é o segundo.
